Sarah's Profile
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Age: 10
Grade: 4th
Number of years on the team: 1
What did you learn in FLL this year? I learned that bottom trawling destroys ocean reefs, twice the size of the United States every year. I also learned it takes only a single drop of oil from an oil spill to kill an ocean bird. Working with LEGO, building RCX robots and programming Robolab were all new this year.
What did you work on most this year? This year I worked mostly on researching ocean topics, my favorite topic was the negative impact of bottom trawling. As a group we decided on ocean energy as the team topic and I then researched that. I also worked on programming missions, and creating photo pages for our team binders.
What is your favorite mission and why? My favorite mission is "Sample One Species" (the Shark) because I learned so much by programming it, building the attachment, and running the mission in competition. I like the simple solution to a difficult mission.
What are your other hobbies and/or interests? My hobbies include Horseback riding, singing in choir, swimming, and new this year FLL.
Is there anything else you would like people to know about you? I enjoy animals, and hope to be a veterinarian some day. At home we have 8 parrots, 1 dog, and 1 guinea pig. I often visit farms to see cows, goats, horses, pigs, chickens, and turkeys.